About the UBB Center for University Strategy
The Center for University Strategy of the Babes-Bolyai University (CUS-UBB) is a technical division responsible for drafting the 4-year Strategic Plan of the university, as well as the ensuing yearly Operational Plans, the subsequent evaluation reports, and a number of other reports or strategic documents/plans aimed at developing the academic life of UBB - including the Rector's Report delivered annually to the UBB Senate. These plans and evaluations are based on input from (and reflect strategic goals of) the Rector's office and vice-rectors.

CUS-UBB activity is governed by a UBB Senate decision (here) and by Operational regulations available here.
Meet Our Team
Our offices are located at 11, Moţilor str., 6th floor, 400001 Cluj-Napoca, România. You may reach us at Tel: 0040 264 405 300 ext. 7020, Fax: 0040 264 405 348, emails as listed below.
Prof. Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu
Carmen Pop
Executive director
Monica Petric
Technical staff
UBB 4-year strategy
According to Romanian legislation (National Education Law, regulations of the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education available here and here) and to the UBB Charter, the university must adopt and publicly present a four-year Strategic Plan as well as yearly Operational Plans based on the Strategic Plan. Under the same provisions, the Rector's office together with CUS-UBB must also prepare an annual Rector's Report.

UBB's 2020-2024 Strategic plan is available here. According to the classification of universities and the ranking of study programs in Romania, carried out in 2011 by the Executive Unit for Funding Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), UBB is a comprehensive university of advanced research and education. The Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 aims to anchor UBB in the European / international academic area, as a world-class university, thus pursuing the commitment to tradition and excellence of the university's founders, and the proactive development of UBB, for people and through people, with institutional support policies, under the commitment of Neminem Resideo (every good faith member of the community has an important role to play and no one is left behind), in an academic paradigm of trust and openness.

Prior plans are available for 2016-2020, 2012-2015, and 2008-2011. Ensuing annual Operational Plans are available as follows: 2021-2022 (academic year), 2020-2021 (academic year), 2020 (transition from calendar year to academic year), 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012.

Rector's Reports are available for 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010.
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